Ladies Prayer ~ A New Initiative
Have you ever felt like you wanted to make a difference for the Kingdom, but didn’t know how? There is an important resource available to us all—prayer. Though this is not a new or mind-blowing concept, God can use prayer to do a “New Thing” in and through our lives.
Therefore, we are asking our ladies to join us every Tuesday evening from 8:30 – 9:00 pm in prayer wherever you may be—at home, at work or even in the car. As you pray, you can know that other sisters across the city are crying out to God with you. Don’t look at this as just another item for an already-overloaded “To Do” list but as an opportunity to unify and pray for our families, our church, and our community. We want to see a “New Thing Springing Up” in these areas of our lives. Ladies, we can make a difference!
Prayer focus: Church Leadership & Finances, Church Growth & Revival, and our Church Families.
“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22